There is no more important priority than the global challenge of climate change. We are already seeing its effects causing extreme weather conditions and fires around the world, disrupting daily living and displacing people from their homes. The urgency of this matter requires taking swift and meaningful action to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial limits, and everyone has an important role to play.
Innovate UK KTN, is working to lead and connect for positive change. As part of their 5-year strategy released in 2020, reaching Net Zero was listed as one of our top 5 strategic priorities. The newly formed Net Zero team has been working hard to develop a collaborative strategy and accompanying action plan to meet ambitious aims of achieving Carbon Neutral status by 2027 and being fully Net Zero by 2030.
This means that as an organisation Innovate UK KTN are committed to a 50% absolute reduction of their scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as well as using 100% renewable energy for all of their office sites by 2030. In order to start progress towards these goals, in 2021 Innovate UK KTN signed up to the Race to Net Zero SME Climate commitment and conducted a footprint assessment of their 2019/20 and 2020/21 impact, which they are using as their baseline. Innovate UK KTN is also utilising a carbon accounting platform which will allow the organisation to regularly track and visualise their data to inform where and how to make adjustments along the way…Read more