A Taxonomy of UK National Laboratories

AIRTO estimates that the UK has over 25 national laboratories, each delivering a public mission and playing an important role in the UK economy. They play a critical role, but they are often forgotten entities until their expertise is demanded in a time of crisis. Their response to the Covid-19 pandemic is no exception.  Improved understanding and awareness of the UK’s National laboratories could help create a more ‘joined up’ approach by government to utilising these valuable assets, within the context of its plans for national resilience, and to support the growth of the UK economy.

AIRTO is seeking to improve the understanding and awareness of the UK’s national laboratories by making this taxonomy of selected laboratories (mostly AIRTO members) publicly available in the form of two documents:

A brief synopsis highlighting the key characteristics of national laboratories:

A detailed Taxonomy of UK National Laboratories:

This taxonomy complements the work of others including: