Simon Andrews , Executive Director, Fraunhofer UK Research
Since graduating from the University of Strathclyde in 1992 (BSc Hons Laser Physics and Optoelectronics), I enjoyed a variety of roles in industry from design, development and production engineering through to operations and engineering management. I managed the development of products from concept to market, with a variety of start-up, spin-out and established companies. Working primarily in the medical device industry, from heart valves to medical lasers, I also had experience of developing products for telecommunications and defence industry customers.
Having often worked closely with universities whilst I was in industry, I then went on to work in a business role in academia with the Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde. I then helped establish the UK’s first Fraunhofer centre, the Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics in 2012. My current role supports this Centre and seeks to establish new research Centres in the UK which will also follow the successful German model and provide professional R&D services to industry, whilst staying close to cutting edge research in the university sector.
I am also a non-executive director of Technology Scotland Ltd and Photonics Leadership Group Ltd, as Fraunhofer UK is keen to support technical innovation and drive impact. I am a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Physicist, and Fellow of the Institute of Physics. Read more…
Chris Pook, Government Policy Director, Nuclear AMRC
Chris joined the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre in January 2023 as Government Policy Director, having previously been Deputy Director in the Government Office for Science responsible for science capability and systems across government. He worked with the Government Chief Scientific Adviser and CSAs across government to strengthen science capability in departments, including the role of Public Sector Research Establishments and National Labs, secure the best possible cross-government settlement for R&D in successive spending reviews and build the Government Science and Engineering Profession.
From 2015 to 2019, Chris was Southeast Asia Director for the Department for International Trade and the FCO Prosperity Network, responsible for programmes to increase trade and investment, reduce market barriers and strengthen economic growth and prosperity in the region. From 2011 to 2014, he led the Green Economy team in the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, worked closely with energy intensive industries, nuclear and offshore wind sectors to develop a supportive industrial strategy for those sectors. Chris helped to set up the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and was a Director of Wavehub Ltd, a small wave energy test facility in Cornwall. In 2015 he moved to the Digital Economy Unit where he was responsible for digital communications infrastructure strategy and telecommunications policy.
Chris joined the Civil Service in 1993 on the science fast stream. He has held a variety of posts often with a strong business, technology and innovation element, including postings to Washington DC (2001-2004) and Tokyo (2005-2011) as Science and Innovation Counsellor, where he was also appointed to the Board of the British School in Tokyo. From 1997-1999 Chris spent two years on secondment to BG plc to support business development and government relations and holds a science degree from Bristol University. His first job after leaving school was as a lab technician at the Brewing Research Foundation – now part of Campden BRI Read more…