Chief Executive: Professor Ian Chapman
Director of Finance and Corporate Affairs: Catherine Pridham
Communications Manager: Chris Warrick
Turnover: £88.9 million
Number of staff: 750
UKAEA’s mission is to lead the commercial development of fusion power and related technology and position the UK as a leader in sustainable nuclear energy. UKAEA manages one of the world’s leading fusion energy research organisations, the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, in Oxfordshire. UKAEA has facilities on related technologies including materials research at the Materials Research Facility (MRF) and remote handling and robotics at the RACE facility, managed with industrial and academic partners.
UKAEA operates the JET fusion facility, currently the world’s largest fusion device, on behalf of the European Commission, and operates the UK’s MAST Upgrade facility, an alternative concept to achieve fusion power developed by UKAEA.
UKAEA is heavily involved in the next step international fusion devices: ITER, currently under construction in the south of France, and is working on developing integrated design of the first electricity generating fusion devices and associated technologies.
Culham Science Centre
OX14 3DB
Tel: 01235 528822