The British Geological Survey (BGS) was founded in 1835 with the original purpose of underpinning the economic growth of the nation and this continues to be our core role. As a world-leading research-intensive survey and trusted impartial advisor to government on geoscience, we deliver innovation and impact that underpins UK economic development.
The BGS focuses on public-good science and research to understand earth and environmental processes. With a number of centres spread across the United Kingdom, we provide geoscientific data, information and knowledge that directly benefits England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as UK society as a whole. We also have a strong international focus, working with other nations to help them to use natural resources responsibly, manage environmental changes and improve resilience to environmental hazards.
The BGS is an institution that sits in an applied science space between fundamental research, innovation and commercialisation. Our development of major infrastructure includes UK GeoEnergy Observatories which will provide scientific energy-related test beds in two geologically different locations in the UK. Each site will comprise a network of deep and shallow boreholes, enabling geoscientists to undertake long-term observation of the subsurface for the first time and in unprecedented detail.
With increasing pressures on all aspects of society, including infrastructure, the environment and natural resources, our expert services and impartial advice have never been more essential.
Chief Executive Officer: Professor John Ludden
Turnover: £48.5 million
Number of staff: 617
British Geological Survey
Environmental Science Centre
Nicker Hill
NG12 5GG
Tel: 0115 936 3100
Email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Website: www.bgs.ac.uk